Friday, October 16, 2009

Our School District is Having Problems

Hi Readers,

I am a retired school teacher. I will not reveal the city or district; however, there may be other districts that have the same problem. I taught for over 22 years. I believe this makes me qualified to voice my opinion on this subject.

My school district started having problems when they allowed a superintendent to come in and turn the district up-side-down. It is ridiculous to take a tried and true method and bring in a method that is ineffective and detrimental to the children. What is wrong with teaching the children the basics? What is wrong with making education work for the children?

Take our children back to the basics. Reading is a MUST! Math, Science and Social Studies are absolutely necessary! You also need to have the children learn the Humanities and Practical Sciences! Stop cutting the budget for essential things and promote programs that serve to fill the pockets of the people in charge.

Try reading information from people who made a study of how and what children should learn. Read this article and let me know what you think:

There are others like me. Why can't we work together to draw a little attention to this problem?

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